Logo: VisHub University of Edinburgh, Visual+Interactive Data

Interdisciplinary research lab in data visualization and HCI at the University of Edinburgh.

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PostDoc / PhD intern / research assistant

The Visual+Interactive Data group at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, is searching for an engaged and creative postdoc / PhD intern / visualization developer to research interactive cheat sheets for data visualization in the context of online teaching for data visualization and general activities for visaulization literacy.

This project is part of a larger project that involves the design of an online course in data visualization for professionals in industry, public, and self-employment sector.

This position is asking to:

Times and conditions are flexible and the position can start as soon as possible and runs until the end of July with further funding currently requested.

For application, please submit to Benjamin Bach:

Deadline for applications is April 10.


Any questions, directly to Benjamin Bach

Project members: